Your baby didn’t come with a manual...
let Make My Baby Smile customize one for you!

Article: 9 - 12 Months

Socialization For Your Baby!

As a mother we often forget how very important it is to have our little one socialize with other babies of a similar age. Of course you are an amazing mommy and you are doing everything to be your little ones favorite person, and trust us, you are! But, it is so important for your little one to socialize with peers (kids their own age) and here's why:
*They generally will talk sooner and are definitely more understandable
*These babies have better social skills (eg. sharing, following instructions, etc). Which is important especially as they grow older
*They seem to have better large motor skills. (Remember they are watching and learning what the other kids are doing.)

There is really great benefit to socializing children young and we strongly encourage it! So go out there and find local meet-ups, join a kid’s gym like Gymboree, have several play dates a week and have fun with your little one and friends!

Hidden Truths of Sleep Training:

Controlled Crying is one of the most commonly used methods for sleep training babies. Your baby needs to be the right age and weight to use this method and it's best to have the go ahead from your pediatrician before too. Here are some hidden truths to know going into your sleep training process.

  1. Be Consistent: have a solid daytime routine and nighttime routine before bed. Most important thing is to be consistent! I.e. do the exact same things at the same times.
  2. Crying escalates: After you do your check in with your child, their crying does escalate. This is normal and natural to happen so don’t be thrown off by this, again consistency is key!
  3. Benefits of sleep: remember you are not just doing this for you and your own sleep needs, your baby needs their sleep to grow cognitively and physically too. Therefore your whole household will benefit.
  4. It's important to follow through with both nighttime & nap times: Again, be consistent!

So when you make the decision to do Controlled Crying, stick with it. Change takes time, like anything else.

Happy Mommying!

When Will My Baby Walk?

The question that always crosses every mothers mind, when will my child walk? We are so in a rush to see our little ones cruising around on two legs and then running around, and why wouldn’t we it is so cute! Babies can start walking as early at 9 months old and up to 18 months old. If you are not seeing signs of walking like cruising and standing by 18 months old I would consult your pediatrician if you haven’t already. But once your baby figures out how to move around, whether it was crawling, army crawling or scooting…the next step is walking! So get ready and put your mommy goggles on because once they start going they just go go go!!! Some babies don’t even crawl or army crawl they go straight to walking then tackle the milestone of crawling after they walk. Whichever way your baby chooses to go follow their lead and encourage their movement. Challenge them but support them at the same time. Funny enough my laptop got my first child to walk and my iphone got my second child to walk. They each wanted something they couldn’t have and challenged them to get what they wanted. Above all just be patient with your little one, they will walk when they want to. Just remember about a year ago they were still in your belly! They are moving as fast as they can ☺!.

Teething: What Happening To My Perfect Sleeper?!

If you have a teething you know that even the perfect little sleepers awake in pain when the tooth is coming out. We refer to this when the tooth, “cuts”. Do teeth cut though? Did you know that the teeth slowly twist and turn their way through the gums? So teeth don’t in fact just randomly cut one day they twist and turn through the gums until they get to the top and poke their way through. Usually with most babies the poking part in the part that wakes them up but the phases leading up to it could affect your babies eating, attitude and overall fussiness. Most babies get very swollen gums and can even form blisters on their gums before the teeth decide to pop through. Most babies also get very “needy” for mommy. They just need the extra comfort and love. Every child teethes differently, some teeth quickly and the tooth is out in no time and others take months to pop up and grow out of the gum. Which ever teether you have be in tune to the signs and attitude changes that come along with it so you can make them be as comfortable as possible through this pain.

Happy Mommying!

My Baby Has Teeth Now What?

When our baby has their first teeth that peak through most parents are excited because the fussy baby is finally gone! The refusal to eat and maybe even some night waking definitely make can a parent a bit frustrated. But now what? How do you care for your infant’s teeth?

Prior to teeth we could just wipe down the baby’s gums with a washcloth and clean them gently but now you need a whole new list of items. First you need an infant toothbrush. One of my favorite products for the first few teeth is the rubber-like brush that actually goes on your finger so brushing teeth is easy. As your child gets more teeth an actual toothbrush is needed. The most important thing is to buy an age appropriate and safe toothbrush. A perfect example of this is a toothbrush commonly knows as a “safety tooth brush” because its handle is wide and not long with a short head, and handles for your child to hold onto letting them practice easily.

After you get the right toothbrush now you need the right toothpaste. Fluoride free toothpaste that is safe to swallow is the only one your child can use until they are old enough to brush and spit, which usually is around 3 years old. There are many baby safe brands on the market to choose from. Most importantly have fun with it. It’s the start of a whole new routine for your baby and first impressions last! ☺ Try brushing with them to make it a mommy and me time.

Happy Mommying!

Safety First In The Home!

Yes our child is on the move and we have to watch their every move! And now the time has hit where you need to baby proof your home. There are a few key items that make any home safer for your babies and toddlers.

  1. Smoke Detectors: In every room and the hallways. Make sure to change the battery once a year!
  2. Childproof latches on drawers or cupboard doors: Most kids love to go into every drawer. It’s always good to give them the one cabinet of tableware they can play with in the kitchen, but also always make sure that the dangerous, breakable and poisonous items are away securely.
  3. Gates on Stairs: Once your child is able to move around by rolling, crawling, army crawl or walking gates are a must! They prevent accidents from happening and put our minds at ease. If you celebrate Christmas every year, it is also a good idea to put a gate around your tree to keep all the little ones safe.
  4. Outlet Covers: Babies are curious and if they can fit anything into the outlet they will. Putting covers over it can avoid any accidents from happening. Today outlets are built safe with breakers, but it’s always good to be over cautious when it comes to our children around them ☺.

Once our babies start to go on the move it is a whole new world of parenting. You begin to be able to keep your eyes on every action and even predict their every move. People without children will just sit there and get tired from just watching how on top of it you are! So make your life a little simpler and safer by baby proofing your home with the basics for safety!

Safe Playing Everyone!

Where To Hide Some Veggies???

We all want to get more veggies into our child’s body, but how? Many moms have recently asked me for some “Ferman Family” favorites that are a hit with all the kids that live here and visit here!

Pasta Pesto: If your kids love pasta, try this one. Whip up or buy a pesto sauce whatever you choose. Then take the following cooked veggies such as broccoli, cauliflower, mushrooms and some tofu and puree it. Mix it into the pesto pasta until there is plenty in there but the pesto still covers up the taste. In addition the green from the pesto covers up the veggie look! Sprinkle a little parmesan cheese on top and voila! Great for kids and adults. ☺

Beans and Rice: If you haven’t tried black beans with your kids yet, please do. They are a great food that is so healthy. Take a pack of black beans and soak them over night. The next morning strain them and rinse them. Put them into a pot with the water about an inch above the beans. Next add pureed onions, garlic and broccoli or you could do spinach (choose a veggie☺). Pour in some brown rice, a few dried bay leaves and cover it and let it cook on low for an hour or so. The pureed veggies absorb into the rice and beans and are covered up by the black bean color. Cook until soft. After it’s cooked put some in a bowl and add in some shredded cheese while its hot (mix of cheddar and mozzarella). You can sprinkle some parmesan cheese on top for a little extra yumminess! When you want to be adventurous you can do white beans added in and sub the rice with quinoa. Enjoy! ☺

Try these mommies! Add some fish on the side for some extra protein. Enjoy☺!

Happy Eating!

Biting During Breastfeeding: What Should I do?

As your baby gets older, they develop new skills that you clap and cheer about because you are so proud of them. When they roll or sit up for the first time it brings a huge smile to your face. With these skills, other interesting skills come along like biting while breastfeeding and all we can say is, “ouch!”

Babies bite while breastfeeding for a few reasons; most commonly because they are finished nursing, teething, or simply want your attention. Whatever reason, biting should not happen while breastfeeding even when your little one has a full set of teeth. If they latch correctly it is impossible to nurse and bite at the same time. The most common cause of biting is teething. If your baby is teething, chances are their gums are painful and they tend to go on “nursing strikes” and bite everything in sight, including your breast. Here are a couple of suggestions to stop this unpleasant habit from recurring. Firstly, unlatch your baby from your breast and hand them a teething toy or cold washcloth to teeth on. Say, “we don’t bite mommy but you can bite this for your teeth.” Then after they are done teething on that toy, let them re-latch and simply breastfeed. When they do not bite, simply say, “Yay! That was excellent! No biting, that makes mommy happy!” If they are biting because they are finished nursing then use positive praising and reinforcement for when they don’t bite. Always hand them something and say, “you can’t bite me but you can bite Sophie the Giraffe.”

Now what happens if your baby keeps on biting and does not unlatch when you try to unlatch them and they bite harder? …Push their face into your breast for just a second. Their instinct to breathe will make them unlatch themselves. If they are biting for attention then give them the extra attention they need. Sometimes they just want mommy to know they are there and want some extra love ☺.

Whether your baby is teething or just wants mommy’s attention, biting does not feel good and it’s important to let your baby know that. Teach them from a young age that biting is not allowed. Stay consistent with teaching them and they will learn. Good luck!

Happy Feeding!

Crawling? When Does It Happen?

JYep your baby is about to go on the move! They rolled, they sat up, they went on all fours and began to sway, and then they went from all fours to a sitting position by themselves and next usually came crawling. And once that baby is on the move, they don’t stop!

Crawling can happen as early as 6 months in some babies, but most often it happens around 8 months. Some babies don’t crawl, they decide to army crawl on their belly or scoot around on their tushy! Whichever way your baby chooses to get around it is fine, as long as they show interest in moving around by their first birthday. If they do not show interest, bring it up in your one year check up and seek your pediatricians advice. Remember all babies develop at their own rate and premature babies may develop at a slower rate. Whatever your baby is doing it is individual to them, I know its hard not to compare but try not to, because every baby is different.

Now, what if your baby skips crawling? Yes, this happens very often. Some babies go straight to walking. And parents, watch out, because after walking, comes running ☺. If your baby is not showing an interest in a form of crawling but goes straight to walking this is completely ok. After they learn to walk they will learn to crawl. I have never seen a 5 year old healthy kid that doesn’t know how to crawl, so don’t worry ☺. Whether your baby chooses to crawl, army crawl, scoot or go straight to walking the important thing is that they are moving around. So put on your running shoes moms and let the race begin. Now that they have started to move, they won’t stop!

Happy Racing!

My Baby Started Crying When I Leave, Why?

Separation Anxiety, we all have heard this term and know that our babies go through it. The question is why do they go through it and more importantly what can we do to help them through this process. Separation Anxiety begins to happen when a baby can realize that mommy or daddy still exists even when they are not there. This is called “object permanence,” in simpler terms when you play peak-a-boo they know you didn’t disappear behind the blanket ☺. For most babies it can happen as early as 6 months, but the peak occurs between 10-18 months.

First I am sure you will be happy to know every baby goes through this at some point and it is completely healthy. So how can we help them and guide them through this process that is tough on both of you. First when you leave, acknowledge you will be exiting and make it quick. Do a quick cuddle with I love you and say mommy always comes back then go because the more you linger and stretch it out the worse it will get for both of you. If you walk out the door and they start crying, don’t worry know that in about two seconds they will stop and go onto playing fun games. When return, make it all about the reconnection when you are back. No phones, nobody, nothing in the way of you and your little one when you enter your home; walk in with a huge smile, go right to them with cuddles and just have fun! Having that secure reattachment with nothing else getting in the way will make your baby feel more secure with knowing you come back.

So next time you walk out to do an errand and your little one is left with family or a caregiver they know and you both feel comfortable with, don’t worry. It is separation anxiety that you see in their eyes when you leave and what has them on verge of tears. Make sure that the caregiver checks in with you a few minutes after so you know your little has calmed and is ok, which happens the majority of the time. Happy Separations!

Hmmm… What Are They Discovering Down There?

Eventually our little ones begin to discover their private body parts. Just like they discover their noses and their ears, they also discover their private parts. As a parent, you begin to notice this mostly while you are doing diaper changes. This is a part of child’s development and is completely normal. Babies explore their whole body and it just seems interesting to them down there. They may even try to grab the dirty diaper as well, poop or pee and wonder what that is. A baby will be curious, and with their development they may become more curious. This is completely normal development and healthy development.

If your child is getting into their poop or developing frequent rashes from curiosity, try giving them exciting toys to play with during the diaper change. With time you will get very quick and that will help too☺. Songs are always a good distraction and babies love music, so mommy sings away!

Happy Mommying!

Praise, Praise, Praise My Baby!

As moms are first words to our child when they do something is “good job!” We just can’t help it. When they hold their head up or roll over, we are just so proud! And please praise away! Praising is a very valuable thing for you and your child. But how will they know what they are being praised for? If we keep on saying “good job” it loses its value eventually, but if we praise the action such as “good job drawing that blue circle,” the praise becomes much more valuable and even makes your little one feel more accomplished. Being specific when praising your child has been proven in many studies to make your child succeed in whatever they do in life more. Why, because you are praising their intelligence, action and the process not just making a general statement. So keep on praising, praise praise away!!! Praise the Action, Praise the Process and Praise the intelligence!

Happy Praising!

10 Playtime Activities With A Crawling Baby:

Is your baby on the move? Now what! Here are a few helpful pay tips to do with a baby on the move.

  1. Tunnels and Tents, lots of fun! Crawling through them is never ending fun!
  2. Activity tables, because the next step is standing! The lights the games to play with will make them want to learn to stand quickly!
  3. Let them crawl through and under your table and chairs. It’s an obstacle course that lets them maneuver through the chairs legs that is great for their instincts and problem solving.
  4. Windows to look out, the outside never is boring!
  5. Park to have fun, just watch them closely, but encourage them to try new things such as a bridge to cross or tunnel to go through.
  6. Music, keep it upbeat and fun! Dance parties never get old ☺.
  7. Do classes age appropriate, such as My Gym or Gymboree. These are both an opportunity to challenge your little one and socialize for mommy and baby ☺.
  8. Play dates, socializing is always fun!
  9. Ball pits! Throw them up, play catch, jump in and out, it is never ending fun!
  10. Pool, whether it is a blow up one in the back yard or a big pool, if the weather is warm, let them have some fun in the water!

Happy Playtime Mommies!

Crawl Baby Crawl!

Your little one has recently started to crawl and they are getting into everything! As parents we are suddenly rethinking our family photos that are out and our drawers in our kitchens, what are we suppose to do! First thing you should do when your little one starts crawling is start crawling with them! Yep get on all fours and see what they are seeing that way you can know what and where you need to baby proof. Also in the process you can have a lot of fun and be silly! As a parent with my little girls these are some of my funniest and fondest moments. The next thing you want to do is create an enclosed area for your little one where everything is fair game inside. A crawling friendly environment where they can just have fun and play with toys. You can do this by putting up a circular gate structure with toys in it. What I did with my girls is started with it circular then took it apart in stages making it bigger, then eventually just taking it apart and enclosing the items I didn’t want them getting into. Giving them stages allowed them to grow to be better crawlers and let them feel freer. Lastly, is when you are baby proofing your house always keep one cabinet open in the kitchen where you put the plastic container and non breakables. Make it at arms reach to your child and let them get into it. This will in fact make them go into the others ones less just knowing something is not off limits. You might even be able to get some cooking done too. You can do this in each room in your home to make each room fun for your baby. Babies live in a “no” environment so make it as “yes” as it can be. So get down on all fours and get into it, it’s a whole new world for your baby and you! Take out the tunnels and have some fun, that is one of the joys of being a mom is to be a kid yourself!

Happy Crawling Mommies!

The Power of Sign Language

The number one reason a baby begins to be “troublesome” overall is because they can’t communicate what they want to. Their frustration comes out in crying or a tantrum because you can’t understand them. Teaching them the basics of Sign Language such as food, water, more, diaper, all done, and milk can help them communicate to you and help them be less frustrated.

Our babies begin to communicate with us very early on we just don’t know what they are saying, but what if we could? You can start to implement sign language with your baby as early as 6 months when you begin to introduce solids. Your baby won’t begin to do the actions right away but they will in time and one day they will just surprise you! Sign Language is such a powerful tool with your child. This also works well for you because as a mom, sometimes we have no idea what our child wants and what they are trying to say with their babbling. If we know its water because they sign it, our frustration disappears as well. This can lead to less crying and less tantrums. Sign Language is a powerful tool in the mommy toolbox, so pack it up and use it! Happy Signing Mommies!

The book below will allow you and your little one to learn at the same time!

"Baby Signs" by Joy Allen

My Baby And I Need HELP Now!

Uh oh! Baby is not happy and mommy is ready to pull her hair out!! Have no fear, we are here to help.

If you need urgent assistance in any baby matter, be it sleep, routine, new baby on the way, integrating a baby into a pet home, or anything else, we have you covered. Reach out, let’s schedule a consultation yesterday and let us change the uh oh in to a simple ahhhh.